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DreamLink Setup

1. From main page, select "My Apps"

2. Select DreamOnline (DOL)

3. On DOL Page, note the Mac address in the top right corner, send that mac during purchase ( STARTING WITH - 00:1A:79)

4. Select Setting

5. Click the Green button on your remote to Edit Service.
  • On the service settings, replace "Service" with a server name (e.g. STARTV)
  • Fill the rest of the server portal url send to you after purchase.
  • Click the box next to Certificate, and replace username and password (only if provided after activation), If you don't have keep it empty.
  • Click OK

6. Click the red button to Connect Service

7. Reboot the box


CompTechToGo has been supplying innovative software solutions and websites since 2012. Recently we got interested in the IPTV world.

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